North Carolina Housing Coalition

About the North Carolina Housing Coalition

A group of advocates seeking to bring together those interested in best practices and improving public policy-making formed the North Carolina Low Income Housing Coalition in 1988. These advocates first convened in response to diminishing federal funds and the increasing housing needs of the state’s low- and moderate-income residents to lobby for the creation of the North Carolina Housing Trust Fund. Initially capitalized with $21 million from the NC Housing Trust and Oil Overcharge Act, the fund is still in existence today and remains a cornerstone to North Carolina’s affordable housing financing options and the Coalition’s advocacy priorities. Renamed the North Carolina Housing Coalition (NCHC) in 2004, the coalition are proud of nearly 30 years of advocacy achievements at the federal, state, and local levels.

North Carolina Housing Coalition works closely with NC Child to advance the national campaign’s housing solutions.


ARP Advocacy Toolkit

To Really Help NC Families Facing Eviction, Pair Rental Assistance and Childcare