“The nation’s historically marginalized households and those with the lowest incomes live in safe, accessible, affordable homes in neighborhoods that are free from discrimination and where everyone has equitable opportunities to thrive.”
“Build a movement with stakeholders from many sectors to generate widespread support for federal policies that correct long-standing racial inequities and economic injustices by ensuring quality housing for people with low incomes.”
“Through federal housing policies that expand resources and correct long-standing structural and racial inequities, we will ensure that people with the lowest incomes can afford a good home, which adds to their quality of life through better health, greater educational attainment, and stronger earnings.”
In only 6% of all U.S. counties can a full-time minimum-wage worker afford a one-bedroom rental home at fair market rent
National Low Income Housing Coalition, Out of Reach 2024
The Opportunity Starts at Home campaign will be sending a monthly e-newsletter which contains updates about the campaign’s progress, interesting and relevant research, current events, new partners, featured materials and videos, and much more.
Decades of structural racism have created tremendous racial disparities in housing, and that legacy continues to shape the present landscape. Proactive public policies are needed to correct these long-standing injustices.
Image Source: National Community Reinvestment Coalition