About the Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio
The Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio (COHHIO) pursues systemic change to benefit vulnerable populations, end homelessness, and expand affordable housing in Ohio. As a statewide coalition of hundreds of housing organizations and homeless service providers throughout Ohio, COHHIO promotes a range of housing assistance services, including homeless prevention programs, emergency shelters, and permanent affordable housing with supportive services.
In addition to public policy advocacy, research, and public education, COHHIO provides training and technical assistance to local provider agencies and nonprofit service organizations. Other COHHIO initiatives include:
- Facilitating local efforts to combat youth homelessness.
- Protecting and promoting tenants’ rights.
- Helping individuals who are homeless and disabled obtain SSI/SSDI benefits to become stably housed.
- Coordinating homeless services agencies’ efforts to secure funding and comply with federal mandates in Ohio’s 80 rural counties.
- Strengthening underrepresented communities through voter participation.
State Campaigns in the Spotlight: Maine and Ohio
Check out video postcards on COHHIO’s Youtube Channel
Op-Ed: Safe, stable housing matters for children’s classroom success: Melissa Cropper
Column: Soaring rent, tuition are putting people on the street