National Federal Eviction Moratorium Takes Effect Today!
A federal eviction moratorium issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) takes effect today, September 4, extending vital protections to tens of millions of renters at risk of eviction for nonpayment of rent during the global pandemic.
Now we must work to ensure that every renter in need knows about this protection and takes the steps necessary to stay in their home. Please help us spread the word! And we must push Congress and the White House to #GetBacktoWork on a COVID-19 relief bill that pairs a national eviction moratorium with at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance.
The federal eviction moratorium is essential relief for struggling renters, but it merely postpones evictions – it doesn’t prevent them. When the moratorium expires on December 31, 2020, back rent will be due, and millions of renters will be unable to pay. In the meantime, small landlords who rely on rental income to maintain and operate their properties will increasingly struggle to pay their bills.
Congress must provide at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance to keep renters stably housed during and after the pandemic and to ensure we don’t lose any of our country’s essential housing stock.
Take Action
Share information with renters about the federal eviction moratorium and the steps they must take to be protected! See NLIHC and NHLP’s Overview and FAQ for more details on the moratorium and a sample declaration form that renters can use.
Participate in the #GetBackToWork National Twitterstorm on September 9 from 1pm to 2pm ET to tell Congress that housing stability during and after this pandemic cannot wait.
Contact your senators and representatives: Demand that Congress and the White House restart negotiations and pass the essential housing and homelessness provisions of the HEROES Act. Find the phone numbers of your members of Congress here or send an email!