
Child Anti-Poverty Advocates are Housing Advocates

CHILD ANTI-POVERTY ADVOCATES ARE HOUSING ADVOCATES Housing is the foundation for successful outcomes in all areas of life and low-income children need safe, affordable, and accessible housing to develop physically […]

Gender Equity & Housing

Gender Equity advocates ARE housing advocates Fair access to safe, accessible, and affordable housing in integrated neighborhoods is vital to the wellbeing of women, LGBTQIA+ people, and their families. Housing […]

Aging and Housing Fact Sheet

AGING ADVOCATES ARE HOUSING ADVOCATES The U.S. Population of Older Adults is Increasing at Historic Rates, and Older Low-Income Renters Face a Growing Threat of Aging into Housing Instability and […]

Racial Inequities in Housing

Decades of structural racism have created tremendous racial disparities in housing, and that legacy continues to shape the present landscape.  Racial disparities in housing manifest in several ways: Housing Affordability […]

LGBTQIA+ Equity and Housing Fact Sheet

LGBTQIA+ ADVOCATES ARE HOUSING ADVOCATES Research is increasingly clear that safe, stable, accessible, and affordable housing is a critical driver of positive outcomes in many areas of life, but such […]

Domestic Violence & Housing Fact Sheet

Domestic Violence Advocates ARE Housing Advocates Domestic violence is one of the leading causes of homelessness for women and their children. “Victims of domestic violence struggle to find permanent housing […]

Environment & Housing Fact Sheet

ENVIRONMENTAL ADVOCATES ARE HOUSING ADVOCATES To solve the climate crisis, we have to solve the housing crisis. “The lack of affordable housing in many cities forces households into suburbs, exurbs, […]

Disability Rights and Housing Fact Sheet

PEOPLE with disabilities ARE OFTEN “priced out” of sTABLE, AFFORDABLE, ACCESSIBLE housing “Nationally, the average rent for a modest one-bedroom rental unit was $861, equal to 113% of the national […]

Anti-hunger advocates ARE housing advocates

“Families are borrowing from already-limited food budgets to keep a roof over their heads” Quoted from Children’s HealthWatch, Hunger and Affordable Housing  “Severely cost-burdened renters are 23 percent more likely than […]

Housing Affordability Challenges

AMERICA IS EXPERIENCING A HOUSING AFFORDABILITY CRISIS “In no state, metropolitan area, or county in the U.S. can a worker earning the federal or prevailing state or local minimum wage […]

Education Advocates are Housing Advocates

EDUCATION ADVOCATES ARE HOUSING ADVOCATES “One of the most important mechanisms through which housing impacts quality of life is through educational attainment. Safe, affordable, quality housing provides a foundation from […]

Good Housing is Good Health

HEALTHCARE ADVOCATES ARE HOUSING ADVOCATES When a family’s housing situation is unaffordable and insecure, chances to lead a healthy life dwindle rapidly. Safe, stable, and affordable housing prevents long-term health […]

Racial Equity and Housing Fact Sheet

RACIAL EQUITY ADVOCATES ARE HOUSING ADVOCATES Racial inequities are deeply rooted in racist housing policies. “More than 300 years of exploitive and racist housing policies fostered many of the socio-economic […]

Affordable Housing Enables Moving to Opportunity

Affordable housing enables moving to opportunity, which improves long-term life outcomes Economic mobility and anti-poverty advocates ARE housing advocates.  Safe, affordable housing enables low-income people to climb up the income […]

Housing Investments Spark Economic Stimulus and Job Creation

Housing investments spark economic stimulus and job creation Economic productivity advocates ARE housing advocates. Investments in affordable housing are a proven catalyst for economic growth, job creation, and development. According […]

Anti-homelessness Advocates ARE Housing Advocates

Access to affordable housing increases stability for vulnerable households and helps avert homelessness. Significant bodies of research show that rental assistance decreases the likelihood that low-income households falls into homelessness. “Extensive […]

Criminal Justice and Housing Fact Sheet

Criminal justice reformers ARE housing advocates.  Individuals transitioning out of the criminal justice system need a good place to call home so that they can reconnect with society and rebuild […]

The Affordable Housing Need for Veterans is Large

The affordable housing need for veterans is large Veterans advocates ARE housing advocates.  After having served our country bravely, veterans need access to good affordable housing so that they can […]